
Week 2

On Friday I took my second look at my MicroAquarium. There was only one observation that I could immediately see with my eyes. That observation was a lack of water; since the 14th the water level had dropped from its original state. When I used the microscope I had a vast amount of observations and changes from our set up date. For one the bigger micro-organisms seem to be dying out, because there are not as many of them. I believe what is happening is they are being replaced by a new organism that has a long body and a short head. I don't know the names yet but hopefully soon I will...
As for other observations I noticed that my blob is attracting the little cocci (round) organisms and dirt too. It is as if these cocci organisms are transporting the dirt to the blob and then using it for food or shelter. To add to this there are a lot more micro-organisms moving around. I suppose because they have had time to grow and develop now.

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